7th Altrincham Boys’ Brigade Company

Boys Brigade AnchorThe company was started in 1937 by the first captain Frank Lord but the session wasn’t completed because the new church was opening. It then restarted in September 1938 using the old chapel and ran continuously for 80 years (I know nothing about any disruptions during WW11)

The Life Boys’ started not long after the BB until the two merged in the 1960’s

During those 80 years we ran annual weeklong summer camps for the older boys, Life boy/Junior section weekends, numerous, Easter camps often jointly with the Girls Brigade, Cleveland (and Border) hikes and in 1965 a number of us attended the camp in Perth Scotland for the worldwide Boys Brigade.

From what I understand there were twelve captains (including myself) and numerous other offices and life boy leaders.

Following the failure of the company to open for the 81st session it was decided to organize a re-union of May 11th followed by a church service to be arranged in the next circuit plan where we will “laydown our Colours”

The national BB at Felden Lodge want us to write our story for the archives so at the re-union we hope to gather together stories, experiences, photographs and a long a list as possible of where and when our ventures out of Timperley Methodist Church have taken us

  • Life boy/Junior weekends
  • BB summer camps
  • Cleveland hike experiences
  • Joint camps/weekend away with the GB

Peter Brady
